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英[gʊd] 美[ɡʊd]
  • adj.好的;优秀的;有益的;漂亮的,健全的
  • n.好处,利益;善良;善行;好人
  • adv.同well
  • 网络解释.好;良好;很好;不错
    复数:goods   复数:better   复数:best  
  • all to the good 1 . 无条件地受到欢迎 as good as —— 2 . 非常接近—— be any (或 no 或 much) good 3 . 有一些(或没有或很多)优点 be so good as (或 be good enough) to do something 4 . [用来礼貌地表示请求]能否请… be —— to the good 5 . 获得一定的净利润或好处 come up with (或 deliver) the goods 6 . (非正式)按所期望(或所要求)的去做 do good 7 . (尤指通过帮助别人)做好事 do someone good 8 . 对某人(尤指对其健康)有益 for good (and all) 9 . 永远地;明确地 get (或 have) the goods on 10 . (非正式)得到(或掌握)可能对某人不利的信息 good and—— 11 . (非正式)非常(用于形容词或副词前以加强语气) (as) good as gold 12 . (儿童)非常乖的 (as) good as new 13 . 状况良好的,(损坏后)恢复如新的;康复的,痊愈的 the Good Book 14 . 《圣经》 good for 15 . 对…有好处 good for (或 on) you (或 him, her 等)! 16 . 干得好!(用来表示赞许某人,尤指赞许他们所取得的成就) good oil 17 . (澳,非正式)可靠信息 the Good Shepherd 18 . 好牧人(耶稣) good wine needs no busha good word 19 . (推荐某人或为某人辩护的)好话 have a good mind to do something1. I hoped you might put in a good wordfor me with your friends.我希望你能在你朋友面前为我说说好话。in someone's good books1. I hoped you might put in a good wordfor me with your friends.我希望你能在你朋友面前为我说说好话。in good time 20 . 及时,及早 make good 21 . 成功 make something good 22 . (对损失、损害或代价)给予补偿 one good turn deserves another1. I challenged him to make good his boast.我给他出了个难题,让他兑现自己夸下的海口。take something in good part 23 . 不见怪 up to no good 24 . 做错事 习惯用语 as good as 1 . 几乎;差不多 for good 2 . 永久地;永远地 good and 3 . 【非正式用语】 完全地;彻底地 no good【非正式用语】 4 . 无价值的 to the good 5 . 有好处的;有利的

  • adj.1.友好的释义下的同义词
  • nice gracious warmhearted kind sympathetic brotherly fraternal friendly
2.好的;出色的释义下的同义词 excellent splendid nice fine
4.好的;有益的;愉快的释义下的同义词 useful valuable pleasant skilled excellent right
5.真实的释义下的同义词 real genuine authentic bona fide


1 . Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.

来自金山词霸 每日一句

2 . Good luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it.

来自金山词霸 每日一句

3 . Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.


4 . I have tried to pack a good deal into a few words.


5 . Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.

来自金山词霸 每日一句

6 . I feel it's done me good to get it off my chest.


7 . Good luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it.

来自金山词霸 每日一句

8 . I have tried to pack a good deal into a few words.
