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英[laɪn] 美[laɪn]
  • n.排;线路;线条;方法
  • vt.排队;用线标出;[棒球](击球手)击出(平直球);给…安衬里
  • vi.(在某物的内部)形成一层;排队,排列成行,排齐(常与 up 连用);[棒球](击球手)击出平直球;(击球手因击出的平直球被对方接住而)出局
  • 网络解释.线;在线;行;条线
    复数:lines   复数:lined   复数:lined   复数:lining   复数:lines  
  • line up 1 . 排成直线,形成直线 above the line 2 . (财政)日常支出的 all (the way) down (或 along) the line 3 . 在每一阶段,全线,全部 along (或 down) the line 4 . 在某一时刻,在某一阶段,稍后 below the line 5 . (财政)资本支出的 bring someone/thing into line 6 . 使符合,使一致 come down to the line 7 . (比赛)比分紧咬,相持不下 come into line 8 . 一致 the end of the line 9 . 尽头,极限(指再作努力已无用的时刻或阶段) get a line on 10 . (非正式)了解(某事) in line 11 . 控制住,在控制下 in the line of duty 12 . (主要指警官、士兵)值班,在岗 in (或 out of) line with 13 . 与…符号,与…一致,与…不符合,与…不一致 lay (或 put) it on the line 14 . 直说 (draw) a line in the sand 15 . (指明)达到极限,到此为止 line abreast 16 . (航海)(船队航行时的)横队队形,并列队形 line ahead 17 . (航海)(船队航行时的)纵队队形,直线队形 line astern 18 . 飞机编队飞行中的(或船队航行时的)纵队队形 line of communicationsline of credit 19 . 信用贷款额度 line of fire 20 . 火力线,导弹航线 line of flight 21 . 航线 line of force 22 . 力线(假想出来代表磁力、重力或电磁场大小和方向的线) the line of least resistanceline of march 23 . 行军路线 line of scrimmage 24 . (美橄)争球线 line of sight 25 . (无遮挡的)视线(指从眼睛到所见物之间的直线) line of vision 26 . 视线(指观察者视物的直线) line one's pocket 27 . (尤指用欺骗手段)赚钱 line out 28 . (棒球)击球手因击出的平直球被接住而出局 line something out 29 . 移栽(永久性栽种之前将幼苗从苗床移至苗圃) line someone/thing up line up 30 . 将…排成一行 习惯用语 all along the line 1 . 每个地方,处处 down the line 2 . 从头至尾;自始至终 in line for 3 . 即将得到的 on the line 4 . 随时可支付的 out of line 5 . 不合适的;不恰当


1 . Megamalls and fast food restaurants line the highway system.


2 . Their first car rolls off the production line on December 16.


3 . Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary.


4 . Her ear, shoulder and hip are in a straight line .
